Melanie's Genealogy Quest

My genealogy research journal. Current names I'm researching: Liden (Peterson), Bill, Kampfert, Donovan, Scheifelbien, Zoss, Gfeller, DeGrasse/DeGrace, Fagan, Zukausky(varied spelling)

Location: Illinois, United States

Monday, January 15, 2024

52 Ancestors Week 2 - Origins

I've previously discussed my immigrant so I thought it was time to look into the surname I was born to. The name comes from my Swedish line but doesn't go back very far. My twice great grandfather Johan Viktor Liden Petersson was born March 10, 1854 in Norrkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden. Liden was actually one of his given names. Sweden used patronymic naming at this time and the name Petersson comes from his father. However he began using Liden as a surname in his 20s, while still in Sweden. I have found Johan in various towns around Sweden (Acklinga, Ringarum, and Ljunghem so far) but none are near the town of Liden. Sometimes Petersson was listed as one of his given names and sometimes it was missing completely. When Johan and Kristina came to the US, she had also taken the surname Liden.
I haven't been able to determine why or when he was given the name Liden. But obviously it stuck. 
Liden means a long slope (usually to a river) Lid means a hill. The town of Liden is much further north than where Johan was born or any of the cities we have found him in thus far. Liden is located in Sudsvall Municpality in Vastermorrland and is near the river Indalsalven. As of 2010 there is a population of 254. The name is first recorded as DeLidn in 1344 and the Swedish noble family Lidstromer originates from there. The old church was established in 1480. Pictures can be found on the Familysearch site at Family Search wiki - Liden 
Liden is a small town but one interesting note is that by some reports, is the home of a guillotine museum. The guillotine was only used once in Sweden, in 1910. If your curious about the model visit Guillotine

If you have any comments or anything to add, feel free to email at melanie0971 at gmail dot com


Anonymous David Curbis said...

The story I had heard years ago, was that he took the name Liden instead of Peterson, because he was thrown out by his alcoholic father at the age of 16 or so. And wanted to be total disregard of the connection to that name.

January 15, 2024 4:52 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I heard a similar story David. Wonder which version is true!

January 30, 2024 8:46 PM  

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