Melanie's Genealogy Quest

My genealogy research journal. Current names I'm researching: Liden (Peterson), Bill, Kampfert, Donovan, Scheifelbien, Zoss, Gfeller, DeGrasse/DeGrace, Fagan, Zukausky(varied spelling)

Location: Illinois, United States

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Still here

Just merged the family file on to the site. I admit, this is becoming my favorite because everyone can contribute. Not a member? If you are part of my tree let me know and I'll send you an invite. If not, head over and start your own tree!
Now back to looking for sources...
Speaking of which, I have created a new file where I have started from the beginning and am trying to include documentation of my sources like a good genealogist. Unfortunately this means repeating some research that I didn't document the first time (shame on me!) but I've already discovered some things by looking at records I hadn't reviewed in a long time. I don't recommend everyone "start over" but I can't emphasize enough what a good idea it is to review things added years before. Sometimes new clues jump out at you. And THAT'S always a good thing!
Happy hunting

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