Melanie's Genealogy Quest

My genealogy research journal. Current names I'm researching: Liden (Peterson), Bill, Kampfert, Donovan, Scheifelbien, Zoss, Gfeller, DeGrasse/DeGrace, Fagan, Zukausky(varied spelling)

Location: Illinois, United States

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Genealogy slacker

I have done NO research in the last 3 weeks. I guess I need to get my act together again so that I can have everything in order for the NGS conference in just about 2 weeks. Taking up the slack has been my aunt who aquired some info from the FHC that I can't wait to peruse myself. I think this genealogy addiction thing is contagious.
I did find an online class (free!) that may help in reading the older German script.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Traveling! - Connecticut

Today we went to the Old State House in Hartford. I stood on the spot where General DeGrasse met George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Very cool! Now I just have to prove I'm related to the guy...

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's all German to me

I'm hoping to get a better grasp on researching Germanic ancestors when I attend the National Genealogical Society Conference ( here in Chicago in early June. I have an "outline" of some of my German and Swiss ancestry but would like to put some skin on the bones, as they say :-)